
Education and life skills

Education and life skills

CfD has two programs for providing education to the children who are out of school or in school but need support to continue their education and personal growth.

1) Kadam Education Initiative

2) Sponsorship to the most needy children like orphans, single parent households (mainly women-headed families),special needs’ children.

3) Education fee support Open page


Education Centres:

Education Centres (ECs) are designed to enable children to continue education despite being forced to drop out of school due difficult circumstances such as poverty and violence. ECs are characterized by a joyful learning pedagogy, but they follow
the mainstream curriculum. Since 2002, ECs have catered to almost 3000 children, and has played a significant role in preventing children from becoming labourers.

ECs also cater to school going children, takes the form of “LitClubs” where children are encouraged to read and express their stories. LitClubs are ECs established in collaboration with the US based organization LitWorld. Since 2014 16 LitClubs have
been established. LitClubs have a curriculum based on the seven strengths viz. Kindness, Belonging, Curiosity, Friendship, Courage, Confidence and Hope.

Kadam Resource Centre for Girls

Another key intervention of KEI is the Kadam Resource Center for Girls. The KRCG provides comprehensive educational opportunities to adolescent girls from difficult circumstances. Girls are from precarious social conditions, mostly daughters of women
who fend for their families single-handedly. Almost always they are forced by their relatives to leave school and get married even before they turn 15. KRCG is a safe educational space that provides assistance in resuming and completing their
education at least till they secure their Higher Secondary Certificate, simultaneously providing them competencies in English Language, Computers and Effective Communication. KRCG also has residential facilities for girls in distress and avail
counselling services too. As of now, KRCG caters to 30 adolescent girls every year.


CfD facilitates the sponsorship program of Islamic Relief Worldwide providing handholding support to around 481 orphan children across Gujarat, mainly in Ahmedabad City. We provide financial support to orphan children for their education, health and professional
courses along with carrier guidance and counselling without caste and creed priorities.


Children being supported both through the KRCG and Sponsorship are offered Life Skills The curriculum emphasises self-esteem and self-confidence; meaningful relationships; effective communication; gender justice and crucial

The members of Kadam have initiated awareness campaign and help centres to get admission of poor families under 25% reservation quota under RtE Act, 2009.


Idea of LitClubs

LitClubs are a platform/space where children have been given value based education through informal ways. It provides opportunities to see in their own/inner through windows of seven strengths; respectively Kindness, Friendship, Courage, Confidence, Hope,
Curiosity and Belongingness.

Understanding deeply about seven strengths, brought many behavioural changes in their life. Children enjoy their childhood with real time relations, respect, cooperation and most importantly coexistence. LitClubs provides windows to understand one’s life
and see other’s life with untraditional way.

Detail of different camps and events organized under LitWorld program

YearName of the eventGirlsBoysOthersTotal
2016-2017Stand Up for Girls1402020180
Lit Camp955755174
2017-2018Stand Up for Girls1157513203
Lit Camp83023106
World Read Allowed Day1095418181
2018-2019Stand Up for Girls1157513203
Lit Camp6001474
World Read Allowed Day1095418181
2018-2019World Read Allowed Day1306016206



For our final Partner Spotlight of the season, please welcome Meera Malek from Centre for Development in India as she shares her community’s story of 2020!

Our deepest thanks to our partners around the world who have continued their life-changing work throughout this pandemic, and to supporters like you who help make it all possible.
